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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book Two/Chapter One; Josefina Learns a Lesson

Josefina Learns a Lesson: A School Story (American Girls Collection)Josefina Learns a Lesson: A School Story
The second book in the Josefina series continues the story of Josefina (ho-seh-FEE-nah) Montoya, her three older sisters (Ana, Francisca, and Clara), her Papá (Father), Abuelito (Grandfather), and Tía (Aunt) Dolores, and introduces us to Teresita.

The setting is the Montoya family rancho (ranch), near Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1824.

As you read the book, you may find it helpful to refer to the following study/discussion questions:

Chapter One: "Light and Shadow"

1. What was Tía Dolores helping the girls make?

2. Who was the first one to finish?

3. Tía Dolores gave the girls help and advice, but would she do the jobs for them? Why or why not?

4. Why was Papá going to the village?

5. What did it mean when the church bell rang?

6. What was Josefina afraid of?

7. Why did the girls need to gather things from the kitchen garden?

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